Brandon Hong
Journal Papers
- S. W. Kim, L. Pang, B. Hong, J. Ptasinski, and Y. Fainman, "Experimental demonstration of quenched transmission effect of an ultrathin metallic grating", Optics Letters, Vol. 41, 7, April 2016 pdf
- B. Hong, A. Sun, L. Pang, A.G. Venkatesh, D. Hall, and Y. Fainman, "Integration of Faradaic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy into a scalable surface plasmon biosensor for in tandem detection", Optics Express, Vol. 23, 23, Nov. 2015 pdf
- B. Hong, F. Vallini, C. Fang, A. Alassad, Y. Fainman, "Low-cost thermal infrared detector based on surface plasmon resonance imaging", CLEO, Paper JW2A.73, May 2017
- S. W. Kim, L. Pang, B. Hong, J. Ptasinski, and Y. Fainman, "An anomalous transmission of an ultrathin metallic grating", CLEO, Paper SM2R1, June 2016
- B. Hong, A. Sun, L. Pang, A. G. Venkatesh, D. Hall, and Y. Fainman, "Integrated biosensor for simultaneous detection by surface plasmon resonance and Faradaic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy", CLEO, Poster JW2A113, June 2016
Contact Information
Office: B509 Engineering Building Unit 1 (Jacobs Hall)
Email: [email protected]
Mailing Address:
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
9500 Gilman Drive, Mail Code 0407
University of California, San Diego
La Jolla, CA 92093-0407
Email: [email protected]
Mailing Address:
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
9500 Gilman Drive, Mail Code 0407
University of California, San Diego
La Jolla, CA 92093-0407