Abdelkrim El Amili
(Curriculum Vitae)
Title: Research Scientist
Research Interests: Nanolasers, silicon photonics, coupled lasers, and laser dynamics Previous Positions: Assistant Project Scientist (2016-2018) Researcher in Laser Physics at the Institut de Physique de Rennes (2011-2014) Researcher in Laser Physics at the Laboratoire Aimé Cotton (2010-2011) Education: Ph.D. Atom Optics, Laboratoire Charles Fabry - Institut d'Optique Graduate School/Université Paris (2009) M.Sc. Physics, Université Bordeaux (2006) B.Sc. Physics, Université Bordeaux (2004) |
Journal Papers
- S. S. Deka, S. H. Pan, Q. Gu, Y. Fainman, and A. El Amili, "Coupling in a dual metallo-dielectric nanolaser system," Optics Letters Vol. 42, Issue 22 pp. 4760-4763 (2017)
- B. Bahari, A. Ndao, F. Vallini, A. El Amili, Y. Fainman, B. Kanté, "Nonreciprocal lasing in topological cavities of arbitrary geometries," Science Vol. 358, Issue 6363, pp. 636-640 (2017)
- A. El Amili, M. C. M. M. Souza, F. Vallini, and Y. Fainman, "Magnetically controllable silicon microring with ferrofluid cladding," Optics Letters 41, 5576 (2016)
- S. H. Pan, Q. Gu, A. El Amili, F. Vallini, and Y. Fainman, "Dynamic hysteresis probes high-β nanolaser emission regimes" Optica 3, 1260 (2016)
- K. Audo, A. El Amili, G. Baili, D. Dolfi and M. Alouini, "Reduction of residual excess noise in Class-A lasers using two-photon absorption," Optics Letters 41, 4237 (2016)
- A. El Amili, Kevin Audo, and M. Alouini, "In-phase and anti-phase self-intensity regulated dual-frequency laser using two-photon absorption," Optics Letters 41, 2326-2329 (2016)
- A. El Amili, and M. Alouini, "Noise reduction in solid state lasers using a SHG based buffer reservoir'', Optics Letters 40, 1149-1152 (2015)
- A. El Amili, G. Loas, L. Pouget, and M. Alouini, "Buffer reservoir approach for resonant noises cancellation in lasers", Optics Letters 39, 5014-5017 (2014)
- S. De, A. El Amili, G. Pillet, G. Baili, I. Sagnes, M. Alouini and F. Bretenaker, "Phase Noise of the Radio Frequency Beat-Note Generated by a Dual Frequency VECSEL", Journal of Lightwave Technology 32, 1307-1316 (2014)
- S. De, G. Loas, A. El Amili, M. Alouini, and F. Bretenaker, "Theoretical and experimental analysis of intensity noise correlations in an optically pumped dual-frequency Nd:YAG laser", JOSA B 30, 2830 (2013)
- A. El Amili, G. Kervella, and M. Alouini, "Experimental evidence and theoretical modeling of two-photon absorption dynamics in the reduction of intensity noise of solid-state Er:Yb lasers", Optics Express 21, 8773 (2013)
- S. De, V. Pal, A. El Amili, G. Pillet, G. Baili, M. Alouini, I. Sagnes, R. Ghosh and F. Bretenaker, "Intensity noise correlations in a two-frequency VECSEL", Optics Express 21, 2538 (2013)
- A. El Amili, G. Loas, S. De, S. Schwartz, G. Feugnet, J. P. Pocholle, F. Bretenaker, and M. Alouini, "Experimental demonstration of a dual-frequency laser free from antiphase noise", Optics Letters 37, 4901 (2012)
- A. El Amili, S. Gleyzes, and C. I. Westbrook, "Atom-photon interactions in a system of coupled cavities", JOSA B 29, 1618 (2012)
- A. El Amili, G. Gredat, M. Alouini, I. Sagnes, and F. Bretenaker, "Experimental study of the delayed threshold phenomenon in a class-A VECSEL", EPJAP 50, 10501 (2012)
- A. El Amili, V. Pal, F. Goldfarb, R. Ghosh, I. Sagnes, M. Alouini, and F. Bretenaker, "Observation of noise phase locking in a single-frequency VECSE", Optics Express 19, 17250 (2011)
- A. El Amili, B.-X. Miranda, F. Goldfarb, G. Baili, G. Beaudoin, I. Sagnes, F. Bretenaker and M. Alouini, "Observation of slow light in the noise spectrum of a vertical external cavity surface-emitting laser", Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 223902 (2010)
- S. Gleyzes, A. El Amili, R. A. Cornelussen, P. Lalanne, C. I. Westbrook, A. Aspect, J. Estève, G. Moreau, A. Martinez, X. Lafosse, L. Ferlazzo, J.C. Harmand, D. Mailly and A. Ramdane, "Towards a monolithic optical cavity for atom detection and manipulation", Eur. Phys. J. D 53, 107 (2009)
- Joseph S.T. Smalley, Felipe Vallini, Abdelkrim El Amili and Yeshaiahu Fainman (2016). Photonics for Smart Cities, Smart Cities Technologies, Prof. Ivan Nunes Da Silva (Ed.), InTech, DOI: 10.5772/64731.
Contact Information
Office: 4121 Atkinson Hall
Email: [email protected]
Mailing Address:
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
9500 Gilman Drive, Mail Code 0407
University of California, San Diego
La Jolla, CA 92093-0407
Email: [email protected]
Mailing Address:
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
9500 Gilman Drive, Mail Code 0407
University of California, San Diego
La Jolla, CA 92093-0407